2024 May Meeting Minutes

Country Star Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes
Call to Order:  President Lori Frederick called the meeting to order at 6:50 pm.
Welcome:  Lori welcomed everyone to the meeting. Bonnie Eisenhower brought her granddaughter, Zoe Lieb and her friend, Kennedy Cole this evening.
Devotion & Prayer: Nadine Loyd led us in our devotion & prayer.
Announcements: – Our next Sit-n-Sew is this Friday, May 24.
– Our next guild meeting will be June 10 at 6:00 pm. We will be meeting at Callahan Methodist Church. We will have a covered dish dinner. The guild will provide the chicken. Mary Sperow has a sign up sheet for side dishes & desserts.
– We received a thank you card from JoAnn Griffis.
– Peggy Smith will be in charge of ticket sales at the Callahan Fair this year.
– We will have a Quilt of Valor presentation on Mon, Nov 18 at 7:00 pm @ Anchor Church. There will be no meeting on Nov 11.
Guild Supported Charities: Pinky Promise has enough quilts at this time. They would like us to donate pocket hearts if anyone would like to make some. Lori has pillowcase kits available this evening.
Block of Whatever: The patterns for this month are #21, 39, 37 & 16. They are available on our website.
Opportunity Quilt: Our opportunity quilt was made by Eileen Van Fossen – quilted by Dell Dunman. It is on display tonight. We thank Eileen & Dell for this beautiful quilt.
Lake City VA Quilt: Lori is working on our quilt for this year.
May Birthdays: Our May birthdays are Sandy Arcari, Jeanie Gilreath, Linda Jones & Glenda Stonecipher.
Committee Responsibilities: If you’re on the Guild Board or in charge of a committee, let Lori know if you can’t fulfill your commitment next year.
We need to replace the Communications position on the Board. Glenda Stonecipher & Theresa Elliott volunteered for this position. Jeanie Gilreath made a motion we accept. We need someone to replace Helen Henderson on the Ways & Means committee for next year. Jeanie Gilreath volunteered for this position.
We had Show & Tell & door prizes were given out.
Program: Our program tonight was a skit written by Sara Aicher and performed by guild members. It was titled “Quilters Anonymous Meeting.” The cast included Charlotte Taylor, Anne Hines, Lizy Swain, Tracey Calhoun, Bonnie Eisenhower, Ramona Lee, Sandy Arcari, Lisa Maechtlen, Peggy Smith, Theresa Elliott, Ellie Boette, and Sara Aicher. After the program, Sara gave everyone a pill bottle
full of inspirational quotes written on tiny stars she had made.
Respectfully submitted by Karen Hurst