2023 June Meeting Minutes


June 12, 2023

President Peggy Smith opened the meeting at 6:25 p.m. inviting all to begin the
meal for our end of year dinner meeting. Nadine Loyd led the Devotion/ Prayer.
Peggy introduced the upcoming board members: Lori Frederick, President,
Lynette Talak, VP, Karen Hurst, Secretary, Sue Deyo, Treasurer and Kim
Williams, Communications.
After our meal, incoming President Lori Frederick gave a big ‘thank you’ to Sara
Aicher & Bonnie Eisenhower for the table decorations, and to all who brought the
potluck food provided for the delicious dinner.
First order of business we approved the Secretary’s Report, which was moved by
Barbara Perkins, and seconded by Ellie Boette. A motion and second to approve
the Treasurer’s Report with the figures on the Agenda was also completed.
Marina Thomason donated an artistically painted flower-pot to be raffled off for
the benefit of the Guild. Gail Bowen won this prize. Door prizes were managed
by Bonnie Cressey. Perfect Attendance was awarded to the following members:
JoAnne Griffis, Anne Hines, Ramona Lee, Nadine Loyd, Peggy Smith, and Mary
President Lori thanked Peggy Smith for her service as president the last two
years – and to all who helped and supported her as well. Lori presented Peggy
with an outgoing President gift of a Quilt of Blocks made by different Guild
Members, finished by Lori, and quilted by Bonnie Eisenhower.
Lori also shared about the coming year by asking for forgiveness ahead of time
for the learning curves she is sure she will have. Lori then shared that it was
decided to wait for the next Quilt of Valor ceremony until November 2024.
Charlotte Taylor is working on the Veteran Administration Quilt.
The Opportunity Quilt is coming along with stunning colors and hand-crafted
beauty. Sue Deyo will be in charge of the Retreat this year (Feb. 2024), and will
be looking for helpers. Door prizes will now be offered at the Sit N Sew’s to
encourage attendance. It was also asked that if anyone brings things there to
share with others, if there is any product left, to please take what remains with
you when you leave. The participants cannot dispose of that for you.
In September when we begin our new year, we may have months where there
will be ‘themes’ for our Show and Tell. If you honor those with what your item
brought, there will be an extra ticket for a door prize involved. Themes will be
shared in advance.
Members were asked to raise their hand if they would participate in a Block of the
Month this next year. Many said yes, and just requested not too complicated or
help with instructions, etc. The Diaper Drive will be in November 2023 so we can
all start stockpiling to donate.
Sara Aicher announced that any quilts submitted to Quilt Fest will be due July 25,
2023. The dates for the event are September 14-16, 2023.
Our program for the evening began with Lori asking us all to stand around the
room, in a circle, with the one-yard of fabric that we each brought to the meeting.
All participants were shown how to rip the fabric into two pieces, and then passed
half of it to the person on their left. We proceeded to rip pieces smaller and
smaller, sharing with those around us. There was some confusion for those
people representing more than one person, a lot of laughter figuring it out, and
President Lori advised this may be our First & Final Fabric Game. ☺
The instructions for the activity assigned to complete over the summer is to use
five of the fabrics we ended up with in any way we choose. But we must use all
five of them. A wall hanging, table runner, quilt, it is our choice. We cannot do a
small mug rug type of project though. We can add either white or a black solid,
and one other solid color. We need to create a legend of the fabrics we use, and
come back in September with our project done, in the paper bag we were given.
Prizes will be awarded based upon our peer member’s choices.
Members presented their Show and Tell projects on stage to the group.
Respectfully submitted,
Theresa Elliott
Substitute Secretary