2025 February Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2025.    CSQG Meeting Minutes

Lori opened the meeting at 6:55pm.  She welcomed new members Norma Johnson and Sabrina Faircloth.   We also had two visitors,  Julie DeMarino & Michele Lahon.

Charlotte Taylor brought a devotion on “love”.

Lori addressed the “anonymous” question posed on our Facebook page regarding the guild’s finances.  Lori advised members that if anyone had a question concerning the guild to please come to her or other board members and ask.  She advised that she had a copy of the guilds financial report and if anyone wanted to see if to let her know.

Retreat is coming up February 25 – March1, 2025 at the Stephen Foster Eco Lodge in Fargo, GA.   Lori advised the group that there had been an interest in seeking other facilities for upcoming retreats.  Lori took a hand vote to see how many wanted to stay in Fargo and how many wanted to look for other accommodations.   Lori advised the group that other accommodations could result in higher fees but that the retreat cost (for Stephen Foster) would go up $50 for next year because of inflation and we have not had an increase in cost since we started at Stephen Foster.

Lori advised of a new quilt store (new to her) called St. Augustine Sews and a former guild member, Sally Terry, works there.

The QOV block this year is a 10” log cabin.  Anyone interested in making a block please return it to Lori.

Sue advised that we have 1 veteran on our QOV portal and we had one quilt top. She encouraged members to make some quilt tops as we needed to have several on hand.   Lori advised that she had some layer cake fabric that members could use.

The AQS show is in Dayton next week (February 16th).

Lakeland Show is 3/13-3/15.

Swannee Valley Show is 3/22 from 9am-3pm

The next BOM are #22, 27, 43, 52 & 56.

Our next meeting is March 10th with Sit and Sew dates of 3/14 & 3/28.

Lori presented a program on 2 color quits featuring the quilts of Joanna S. Rose collection.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QCDdobOg3U

Sara identified all of the various old sewing tools people brought in.

She also spoke about our March program which will be on Landscape Quilts with workshops following that meeting on Thursdays:  March 27th; April 3rd; and April 10th.

The April Meeting will be a “zoom” meeting featuring Anne Wasserman Quit Historian.

Sara reminded everyone that they should have received a crayon and a card before the meeting began.  The card was a valentine and inside was a beautiful small “heart” that you are to put into your next project to remind yourself and the recipient of the love that goes into a quilt.  Regarding the crayon, you are to take the color that you picked and use  fabric that color to make an 8.5” block .  You can add a white; black or grey as a background color.

Show and tell and door prizes.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05pm


Recorded by Sue Deyo for Karen Hurst