December 2017 Meeting Minutes

Country Star Quilt Guild Meeting Notes, December 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.

President, Mary Ann Waite, opened the meeting with prayer then a blessing for the food prepared.  Members and guests were invited to eat and have fellowship.

Mary Ann asked for a motion to have the minutes for the November meeting approved as written.  Chris Sandstrom made a motion to approve the minutes.  Motion was carried.

Treasurer Report by Gail Bowen.  As of 12/11/17, Gail had $1,995.00 on record as received for the opportunity quilt.  Chris updated to an actual amount of $2,113.00.

Membership Report by Sherry Curtis.  24 members as of meeting date.

Mary Ann went over dates for upcoming events.

12/15/17, drawing for Opportunity Quilt at Southeast Bank at 3:00.

12/19/17, Sit’n’Sew at Kelly’s RV Park at noon.

Friday, 1/5/18, 10:00-1:00, Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt Kick-off at the Hilliard Library.  Further meetings will be held on 1/12, 1/26, 2/9, 2/23 and 3/9/18, all at Hilliard Library.  Chris will email everyone that has joined to let them know what is needed at each meeting.  It was mentioned that participants should bring their mat and cutter to the meetings. There are open spaces available if anyone else is interested.

The Storm at Sea Quilt class will be started after the Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt meetings are finished in March.

1/8/18, Guild Meeting – Representative from The Nest will be coming to talk to the guild.  Guild meeting will be at 7:00 pm at Hilliard Library.

1/16/18, Sit’n’Sew – Held at Kelly’s RV Park – Mary Ann expressed hope that members could make some baby items to donate to The Nest.  Mary Ann also has been given several heart pillows that need to be stuffed.  She will bring stuffing to the sit’n’sew so the pillows can be completed for Pinky Promise.

2/12/18, Guild Meeting – Ricki Jameson from LadyBug Quilt Shop will be coming to talk to the guild. She will focus on how to care for and love our quilts.

2/20/18, Sit’n’Sew – Held at Kelly’s RV Park

Charity Report.  Pillowcase numbers are down.  Mary Ann has some Guardians of the Galaxy fabric available to make pillowcases with at the February Sit’n’Sew.  If anyone has any coordinating solids, like gold, grey, burgundy, they were encouraged to bring that to the sit’n’sew.  9” for the big cuff, 3” for the little strip.

Pinky Promise – Discussion on Cash Donation of $300 as opposed to more heart pillows.  Discussion on making simple comforters to donate.  Gail Bowen made motion to donate $300 to Pinky Promise.  Betty Jeffries seconded and motion carried.

Special Events and Projects – Chris Sandstrom thanked everyone who had given of their time to help with all the activities through the Fall/Winter events, as well as the promotion of the Opportunity Quilt.

The Conners’ Farm Quilt is ready for binding.  Any that want to be a part of presenting the quilt to Conners, let Chris know.

Old Business – PA System was purchased and Gail had a reimbursement check that needed signature.

Many items were shared during Show and Tell, including the items made for Holiday Home Décor.

Shop Hop was discussed.  Shop Hop begins on 1/13 and goes through 1/20.

Chris will have the raffle quilt by Amelia Island Guild to show us at our January guild meeting.

Door prizes were presented.  The 50/50 Raffle brought in $64, $32 of which went to the drawing winner, Eileen VanFossen.

Sue Deyo presented The (very lively) 12 Days of Quilting with help from Chris and many guild members.

Sue Deyo presented the 1 yard batik challenge of Fold It, Snip It, Rip It Drop It and Pass It, with instructions on the challenge for March to make something out of the pieces of fabric we each received.  There is no limit on the amount of fabric that can be added to our pieces to complete our challenge.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20.