2024 June Meeting Minutes

Country Star Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes


Call to Order

President Lori Frederick called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.


Lori welcomed everyone to the meeting. Our visitors were Barbara Jackson, Aria Wilkerson (the granddaughter of Elaine Wilkerson), Bonnie Eisenhower’s husband David, Lisa Maechtlen’s husband Kevin, Ellie Boette’s husband Les, Barbara Perkins’ husband Russell, and Sharon Propper’s husband Bill.


Nadine Loyd led our prayer, and we had a wonderful covered dish dinner provided by our guild members. After dinner, Lori Frederick & Peggy Smith presented cross-stitch quilts their mothers had made.


  • Our next guild meeting will be September 9

  • We will have Sit-N-Sew this Friday and every 2nd & 4th Friday throughout the summer.

  • Guild members were recognized for perfect attendance this year. They are Sara Aicher, Tracey                                               Calhoun, JoAnn Cicero, Bonnie Cressey, Theresa Elliott, Helen Henderson, Karen Hurst,  Nadine Loyd, Lisa Maechtlen, and Mary Sperow.

Block of Whatever

The patterns for this month are #11, 12, 24, and 20. They will be available on our Facebook page in a few days.

Lake City VA Quilt

Lori brought this year’s quilt and presented it. It is a flimsy, as she is waiting to receive the names to be embroidered on it. Someone has volunteered to make the quilt for 2025.

June Birthdays

Our June birthdays are Ramona Lee, Bea Mehl, Daphne Hester, Dell Dunman, Barbara Wagner, Kathy Waldron, and Linda Greene.

Quilt of Valor

Sue Deyo reported that the presentation will be on November 18. You must bring your finished quilt to the October guild meeting. Samantha Howell will measure them to make sure they meet the requirements of the Quilt of Valor organization. Sue will post the requirements on our Facebook page.

Tips  N Pieces: Gail Bowen presented our tips for the evening.


  • Sara Aicher showed the paper doll quilt blocks made by our guild members. She is going to make a quilt out of them and enter it in the Quiltfest in September.

  • If anyone is interested in making a Laura Heine collage quilt, Sara has a sign-up sheet for that.

  • The Cummer Museum will be presenting a show of quilts titled “Fabric of the Nations” from July 9          thru Sept. 29, 2024. Billie McCray will have some of her quilts on display.

  • If you want to enter a quilt in the Jax Quilt Fest this year, you must register by July 25.

  • Sara had a display board set up for anyone to write down the name of their sewing machine.

  • Theresa Elliott spoke on the topic of naming other items besides sewing machines.

  • Sara gave us a new project to do titled Quilter’s Soup Recipe. The new project is to be turned in                                 at the October meeting.

Door prizes were given out, and we had Show & Tell.

Submitted by Karen Hurst